Lease Owner Online Query Field Definitions

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Lease Owner Online Query Field Definitions

Field Name 
Data Type 
Field Length 
LEASE_NUMBER VARCHAR221 The number assigned to a lease by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over mineral activity in the territory where the lease is located.
MMS_COMPANY_NUM VARCHAR215The number assigned by the Minerals Management Service to a business entity, individual, or agency with whom MMS does business or exchanges information.
BUS_ASC_NAME VARCHAR2300The name of a **business associate**.
ASGN_STATUS_CODE VARCHAR23Indicates the stage in the approval process of a lease assignment.
OWNER_ALIQUOT_CD VARCHAR23Indicates different percentage ownerships within a lease as a result of a partial assignment.
SN_LSE_OWNER NUMBER22Autogenerated sequence number which uniquely identifies each instance of a lease owner.
ASSGN_APRV_DATE DATE7The date an assignment of interest is approved by the Minerals Management Service (MMS), and the date the official MMS records are changed.
MMS_STRT_DATE DATE7The date that a business entity began doing business with the Minerals Management Service.
ASSGN_TERM_DATE DATE7The date that a lease assignment is terminated by the Minerals Management Service.
OWNER_GROUP_CODE VARCHAR23Indicates different percentage ownerships within a lease as a result of a partial assignment.
ASSIGNMENT_PCT NUMBER22The lessee's financial interest in a lease.
ASSGN_EFF_DATE DATE7The date requested as an effective date by the parties to the assignment.

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