Alias Name |
Name |
Type |
Valid Value
Description |
Lease Status Code |
Lease_Status_CDS |
Enumeration Range |
The Value-Description Pairs are listed below:
- CANCEL-Canceled by the authorized officer.
- CONSOL-A terminated lease whose acreage has been merged into another lease.
- DSO-Operations/activities on all or part of lease suspended/temp prohibited on Reg Sup
initiative. Lease term extedned.
- EXPIR-A lease whose initial term has ended by operation of law.
- EXTSEG-A lease segregated prior to 1979; held by production from or activity on the
original lease.
- NO-ISS-An awarded lease not excuted by the bidder(s).
- OPERNS-Initial term extended because of activity on the leased area.
- PR DSO-Initial term extended by order of the director.
- PR SOO-Initial term granted at request of the operator.
- PRIMARY-A lease within the initial term of the contract (5, 8, or 10 years).
- PROD-A lease held by production of a mineral.
- REJECT-A high bid rejected by the authorized officer.
- RELINQ-A lease voluntarily surrendered by the record title holders.
- SOO-Initial term extened due to ordering or appro by Dir of SOO.
- SOP-Initial term exended due to ordering or appro by Dir of SOP.
- TERMIN-A lease extended beyond its primary terms and has ended by operation of law.
- UNIT-A lease (or portion therof) included in an approved unit agreement.
Area Code |
Area_Code |
Enumeration Range |
The Value-Description Pairs are listed below:
- AB-NG 15-8
- AC-Alaminos Canyon
- AP-Apalachicola
- AT-Atwater
- BA-Brazos Area
- BM-Bay Marchand Area
- BS-Brenton Sound Area
- CA-Chandeleur Area
- CC-Corpus Christi
- CD-NG 16-7
- CH-Charlotte Harbor
- CP-Coon Point
- CS-Chandeleur Sound
- DC-Desoto Canyon
- DD-Destin Dome
- DT-Dry Tortugas
- EB-East Breaks
- EC-East Cameron Area
- EF-NG 16-8
- EI-Eugene Island Area
- EL-The Elbow
- EW-Ewing Bank
- FM-Florida Middle Ground
- GA-Galveston Area
- GB-Garden Banks
- GC-Green Canyon
- GH-NG 17-12
- GI-Grand Isle Area
- GV-Gainesville
- HE-Henderson
- HH-Howell Hook
- HI-High Island Area
- KC-Keathley Canyon
- KW-Key West
- LL-Lloyd
- LP-Lighthouse Point (This is a field)
- LU-Lund
- MA-Miami
- MC-Mississippi Canyon
- MI-Matagorda Island Area
- MO-Mobile
- MP-Main Pass Area
- MQ-Marqesas
- MU-Mustang Island Area
- PA-NG 15-9
- PB-St. Petersburg
- PE-Pensacola
- PI-Port Isabel
- PL-South Pelto Area
- PN-North Padre Island Area
- PR-Pully Ridge
- PS-South Padre Island
- RK-Rankin
- SA-Sabine Pass (Louisiana)
- SM-South Marsh Island Area
- SP-South Pass Area
- SS-Ship Shoal Area
- ST-South Timbalier Area
- SX-Sabine Pass (Texas)
- TP-Tarpon Springs
- TS-Tiger Shoal
- VK-Viosca Knoll
- VN-Vernon
- VR-Vermilion Area
- WC-West Cameron Area
- WD-West Delta Area
- WP-NG 16-11
- WR-Walker Ridge
MMS Planning Area Code |
Enumeration Range |
The Value-Description Pairs are listed below:
- FLS - Straits of Florida
- LND - Landward of the SSB
- MDA - Mid Atlantic
- NEZ - Seaward of the EEZ limit
- NOA - North Atlantic
- NUS - Non-US Jurisdiction
- SOA - South Atlantic
- UND - Undesignated US Jurisdiction
- CGM - Central Gulf of Mexico
- EGM - Eastern Gulf of Mexico
- LND - Landward pf SSB
- WGM - Western Gulf of Mexico
- CEC - Cental California
- NOC - Northern California
- SOC - Southern California
- WAO - Washington - Oregon
- MAT - St. Matthew-Hall Basin
- ALA - Aleutian Arc
- ALB - Aleutian Basin
Lease Section Codes |
Enumeration Range |
The Value-Description Pairs are listed below:
- 6-Lease originally was a State lease.
- 7-Lease is shared between Federal and another country.
- 8-Lease is totally a Federal lease.
- 8G-Lease is shared between Federal and the abutting state.
Serial Type Codes |
Enumeration Range |
The Value-Description Pairs are listed below:
- L - Oil/Gas/Salt/Sulphur
- O-Other (Oyster, etc.)
Qualifying Well Types |
Enumeration Range |
The Value-Description Pairs are listed below:
- C-Completion
- L-Logs
- P-Production
- T-Test
Suspension Type Codes |
Enumeration Range |
The Value-Description Pairs are listed below:
- DO-Directed SOO (Lease beyond primary term)
- DOP-Directed SOO (Lease within primary term)
- DP-Directed SOP (Lease beyond primary term)
- DPP-Directed SOP (Lease within primary term)
- RO-Requested SOO (Lease beyond primary term)
- ROP-Requested SOO (Lease within primary term)
- RP-Requested SOP (Lease beyond primary term)
- RPP-Requested SOP (Lease within primary term)
Bid System Codes |
Enumeration Range |
The Value-Description Pairs are listed below:
- NPS A-50% fixed net profit share, 0.25 capital recovery factor
- NPS B-50% fixed net profit share, 0.50 capital recovery factor
- NPS C-50% fixed net profit share, 1.00 capital recovery factor
- NPS D-40% fixed net profit share, 1.00 capital recovery factor
- NPS E-40% fixed net profit share, 1.25 capital recovery factor
- NPS F-40% fixed net profit share, 1.50 capital recovery factor
- R 1/3-33 1/3% Royalty
- R 1/6-16 2/3% Royalty
- R 1/8-12 1/2% Royalty
- RBID-Royalty Bidding (Fixed Bonus, Variable Royalty)
- SS A-Sliding Scale (Add 1% per million dollars exceeding $1.5 million)
- SS B-Sliding Scale (varies exponentially when AQVP exceeds $10.812977 million)
- SS C-Sliding Scale (varies exponentially when AQVP exceeds $13.236229 million)
- SS D-Sliding Scale (varies exponentially when AQVP exceeds $14.786300 million)
- SS E-Sliding Scale (varies exponentially when AQVP exceeds $16.697567 million)
- SS F-Sliding Scale (varies exponentially when AQVP exceeds $22.300637 million)
- SS G-Sliding Scale (varies exponentially when AQVP exceeds $28.109195 million)