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Layout of Paleo Reports

Layout of Paleo Reports
Paleo Data File

The Start Position Column is used for fixed dumps only.

001 001 Record Type CHAR RECORD TYPE
002 012 API Well Number CHAR API WELL NUMBER - A unique well identification number consisting of a two digit state code, a three digit county code, a five digit unique well code, and, if applicable, a two digit bypass or sidetrack code as defined in API Bulletin D12A.
014 002 Paleo Report ID Number NUM PALEO REPORT ID NUMBER - A sequence number applied by MMS to each paleontologic report submitted for a given borehole.
016 002 Total Number of Reports for API NUM TOTAL NUMBER OF REPORTS FOR API.
018 005 Paleo Sample (MD) NUM PALEO SAMPLE MEASURED DEPTH - The actual distance, measured along the axis of the borehole from the rig Kelly bushing to the point where the paleontologic sample was taken.
023 005 Paleo Sample (TVD) NUM PALEO SAMPLE TRUE VERTICAL DEPTH - The actual true vertical distance measured along the axis of the borehole from the rig kelly bushing to the point where the paleontologic sample was taken.
028 003 Definite/Possible CHAR DEFINITE/POSSIBLE - Indicates the confidence level of the biostratigraphic marker picked or called (definite = an abundant or well-picked paleobioevent; possible = a rare, questionable, or poorly picked marker or called top).
031 002 At/In CHAR AT/IN - Indicates whether the marker identified is at its top (i.e., AT the foraminiferal or coccolith extinction point) or somewhere below (IN) the top of the biostratigraphic zone.
033 100 Paleo Age CHAR PALEO AGE - The specific paleobiologic event (extinction point, acme, abundance increase) with its associated relative stratigraphic age, determined by paleontologic examination of well cuttings or cores.
133 003 Definite/Possible CHAR DEFINITE/POSSIBLE - Indicates the confidence level of the picked or called ecozone.
136 002 At/In CHAR AT/IN - Indicates whether the paleobathymetry of the depositional environment (ecozone) noted is at the top (AT) or somewhere below (N) the top of the ecozone.
138 001 Ecozone CHAR ECOZONE - The marine paleobathymetric zone (according to MMS classification of marine ecological zones) at the time of deposition.

Layout for Paleo Reports
Header File

The Start Position Column is used for fixed dumps only.

001 001 Record Type CHAR RECORD TYPE
002 012 API Well Number CHAR API WELL NUMBER - A unique well identification number consisting of a two digit state code, a three digit county code, a five digit unique well code, and, if applicable, a two digit bypass or sidetrack code as defined in API Bulletin D12A.
014 002 Paleo Report ID Number NUM PALEO REPORT ID NUMBER - A sequence number applied by MMS to each paleontologic report submitted for a given borehole.
016 002 Total Number of Reports for API NUM TOTAL NUMBER OF REPORTS FOR API.
018 002 Surface Area CHAR SURFACE AREA - The indicator used to identify an area name.
020 006 Surface Block CHAR SURFACE BLOCK - Identifies a subdivision of an official protraction in which the surface location of a well is located.
026 007 Lease Number CHAR LEASE NUMBER - The number assigned to a lease by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over mineral activity in the territory where the lease is located.
033 005 Well Name CHAR WELL NAME - The name assigned to the well.
038 001 Public Information Code CHAR PUBLIC INFORMATION CODE-
Y= has been released.
039 008 Public Release Date DATE PUBLIC RELEASE DATE (MMDDYYYY) - The date on which the data contained in a paleontologic report is available for public review or distribution to the public, as specified by law, regulation, order or policy.
047 008 Paleo Effective Date DATE PALEO EFFECTIVE DATE (MMDDYYYY) - The date the paleontologic report was written.
055 035 Paleo Report Source CHAR PALEO REPORT SOURCE - Identifies the origin of the paleontologic data.
090 037 Paleo Reporter CHAR PALEO REPORTER - Indicates the person or entity performing the microfossil analysis.
127 050 Drilling Operator CHAR DRILLING OPERATOR
177 005 High Sample NUM HIGH SAMPLE - The measured depth to the shallowest paleontologic sample available.
182 005 Low Sample NUM LOW SAMPLE - The measured depth to the deepest paleontologic sample available.
Y= the ecozone (paleobathymetric) designations used in the paleontologic report are equivalent to those used by the Minerals Management Service.
188 005 First Sample Examined CHAR FIRST SAMPLE EXAMINED - The measured depth of the first paleontologic sample analyzed.
193 005 Borehole Measured Depth NUM BOREHOLE MEASURED DEPTH - The actual distance, in feet, measured along the axis of the borehole from the rig Kelly bushing to the total depth of the well.
198 005 True Vertical Depth NUM TRUE VERTICAL DEPTH - The vertical distance, in feet, from the rig Kelly bushing to the maximum depth of the well.
203 005 RKB Elevation NUM RKB ELEVATION - The distance in feet, from the rig Kelly bushing to mean sea level.
208 005 Water Depth NUM WATER DEPTH  - The distance at a well/platform location from mean sea level to the mud line.
213 016 Surface X Coordinate NUM SURFACE X COORDINATE - X coordinate for a surface location (East or West measurement).
229 016 Surface Y Coordinate NUM SURFACE Y COORDINATE - Y coordinate for a surface location (North or South measurement).
245 012 Surface Latitude NUM SURFACE LATITUDE - The angular distance north or south of the equator measured in degrees along a meridian.
257 013 Surface Longitude NUM SURFACE LONGITUDE - The angular distance on the earth, east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, to the point on the earth's surface for which the position is being determined.  A positive value denotes East.
270   Remarks CHAR REMARK