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Field Definitions for OGORC

Field Definitions for OGORC

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1 6 Report Date PRODUCTION_DATE -The year and month of a production record for a well completion.
7 7 Lease Number LEASE_NUMBER - The number assigned to a lease by the regulatory agency having jurisdiction over mineral activity in the territory where the lease is located.
14 10 Unit Agt Number UNIT_AGT_NUMBER -The identifier assigned to an approved unit agreement.
24 11 Facility Number INVTRY_FMP_NUMBER -Identifies the inventory storage point at which oil/condensate is stored prior to sale.
35 11 Metering Point FMP_NUMBER -The official Federal number assigned to either:(1) A facility that sells, stores, or transfers Federal production prior to or at the point of royalty determination. (2) A metering point where Federal production is measured for sales, transfers, and/or royalty determination.
46 2 Product Code PAAS_PRODUCT_CD -Indicator used by the Production Accounting and Auditing System (PAAS) to identify a specific commodity or product.
48 8 Prod Quality PRODUCTION_QLTY -The quality of the lease or unit production.
56 5 Operator Number OPERATOR_NUM -The number assigned by the Minerals Management Service to a business entity, individual, or agency with whom MMS does business or exchanges information.
61 100 Operator Name BUS_ASC_NAME -The name of a **business associate**.
161 12 Beginning Inv Vol BGN_INVTRY_VOL -The measured or calculated quantity of oil or condensate in storage tanks at the beginning of a specified period.
173 12 Prod Into Inv OGOR_C_OIL_PROD -The oil quantity reported as produced from a lease or unit into a storage facility.
185 12 Sold from Inv OGOR_C_SOLD_PROD -The oil quantity sold from inventory during a month and credited to a lease or unit.
197 12 Adjustments OGOR_C_ADJ_PROD -The oil quantity used to adjust the monthly ending lease or unit inventory.
209 2 Adj Code PROD_DISPTN_CODE -Indicates the method used to dispose of or to distribute hydrocarbon or water production.
211 12 Ending Inv Vol END_INVTRY_VOL -The measured or calculated quantity of oil/condensate in storage tanks at the end of a specific period.